Is G-d REAL? Is there really something BIGGER OUT THERE? WHAT IS MY PURPOSE IN LIFE?
I have struggled with these questions throughout childhood and as an adult. They are questions I ask myself daily, and at certain seasons of my life, they weigh on me heavier than others.
On my adulthood journey, I have gone through many emotions and states of mind. A couple of years back, I found myself really struggling with my station in life and where my life was headed. I was feeling that my future was not so bright and I couldn’t see a way to make changes. Unfortunately, that led to some destructive behavior while I was figuring shit out.
That is a story for another day, but the end of it is that I was able to get my head back on straight, dig deep into my soul, and REALIZE that I am worth fighting for! I am worth working hard to get myself healthy mind, body and soul. I am worth pursuing my dreams and making my present and future awesome. That mindset takes a LOT of work to achieve, and I’m so grateful for embracing new practices that helped me grow and learn.
I was inspired to start reading and consuming personal development content in the beginning of this new journey and it has been tremendous to my personal growth. I start most days (usually Monday through Friday) reading from whatever personal development book I’m currently on. Sometimes they are more in the self-help genre (i.e. 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Girl Wash Your Face) and sometimes they are more in the business category (i.e. Principles, Profit First). I also listen to podcasts whenever I am in the car alone to learn more about relationships, business, personal growth, etc. I realized that the type of content we consume shapes how we focus our minds and intentions. When I was just scrolling Facebook and Instagram mindlessly for my content consumption, my brain and heart were not challenged. By consuming personal development, I feel like I’m learning and growing daily.
Another critical aspect to my journey circles back to my original thought about G-d and spirituality. While my views on G-d Himself haven’t changed, I have incorporated spirituality into my life almost daily. I started off with learning about affirmations. Positive words that make you feel good. Paul and I started writing affirmations on our bathroom and bedroom mirrors for constant reminders of how we want to feel and view the world. I also subscribed to “Notes from the Universe” and I enjoy my daily message each weekday with a “personalized” note from the Universe to me. Most recently, I purchased an amazing set of affirmation cards called “Bad Bitch Affirmation Cards” from the very talented Gabriella Rosie (@gabriellarosie). Gabriella is Australian and I am thankful to Instagram for connecting us!
My morning routine now includes:
- Reading from my current personal development book
- Writing down my dreams and gratitudes in my journal
- Pulling a Bad Bitch Affirmation Card and writing it down 15 times
- Reading my “Note from the Universe”
Whether or not you believe in a Higher Power, I think it’s hard to argue that the power of positive thinking isn’t a real thing. By opening my heart and mind to the power and messages the Universe wants me to hear, I feel more centered and empowered. I feel confident and passionate. I feel ready to take on whatever challenges life wants to throw at me and I know that it’s going to be OK.
My intention in sharing my personal journey is that you find some connection to your own that will help you rise to be your BEST SELF. We are all imperfect humans. We are all learning and growing. Sometimes we need a gentle nudge to help guide us and sometimes we need to know that our life has a bigger purpose than we know in the moment.
I share this with love and gratitude and wish you prosperity and greatness!