We are the first ones to say routines are good! The most successful CEO’s of companies all attribute their success to a consistent morning routine. We know that consistent routines lead to results which lead to decreased stress levels which leads to increased happiness. Aren’t we smart??? We have this whole thing figured out!
But what about adaptability? What about changing the game for a challenge? What about the excitement, adrenaline and anticipation you get when something NEW comes along?
Consistency and routine are AWESOME! And yet, there is still a time and place for throwing caution to the wind, letting your hair down and being your SASSY, BAD ASS self.
Especially when it comes to fitness!
Have you ever used a Stairmaster? We think this is the most boring invention known to man! Who thought it was a GOOD IDEA to walk up a never-ending flight of stairs to NOWHERE??? It’s mind-numbing, exhausting and each dreadful minute that goes by seems like an eternity. We have met people who love this strange device, we don’t get it, but if you are one of these individuals, please let us know what it is you like about it.
On the flip side, have you ever taken a cardio kick-boxing class? Talk about an hour that flies by, makes you sweat your ass off (literally!) and challenges both your body and your brain! Cardio kick-boxing is a great example of pushing out of your comfort zone to try something new in your fitness routine. Most classes are structured in such a way that the moves build upon one another. You start with a jab. Then a jab-punch. Then a jab-punch-jab. On and on until you have a combination that has 15 moves strung together. Only to do it again starting with the other side of the body for a whole new challenge.
Humans are adaptable. We thrive on routine and our bodies become efficient. Where a one-mile run used to make you feel like you had to take a 3-hour nap post workout, after a few weeks you are cruising through that mile. When you used to do bicep curls with 8 lb weights, you are now curling 15 lbs. This is how we see gains! By changing it up!
When it comes to fitness, we are lucky there are so many options. Whether it’s trying a new class (like CrossFit, Pole Dancing or Hot Yoga) or adapting the exercise you already love (such as running a new trail, lifting heavier or swimming in the ocean versus the pool), your body and mind will thank you for the variety. You will see improved physical results and you will enjoy the journey more.
Grab a friend (or make a new one!) and step out of your comfort zone into a new form of fitness today! Comment below and let us know what you try.