We’ve all been there: too tired, too cranky, or too unmotivated to workout. Sometimes, you might need a break from exercise—and that’s okay! Your body and mind need time to decompress and recharge. However, sometimes you just need a good kick in the behind to get moving and get those endorphins flowing! Here are five ways to get through a workout when your heart just isn’t in it.
Most cardio machines display how much time has elapsed, which can make it feel like your workout is endless. Instead, change the display or set up a timer on your phone that will count down. Try 5 or 10 minutes to start. Watching the time go down will put your mind at ease (“Oh, I only have 2 minutes left…I can do 2 minutes!”).
Why are you working out? To look good? To feel good? To be sexier, healthier, and/or happier? Pick a reason and remind yourself throughout your workout why you are doing this. Take it one step further by phrasing it as something that is already an action that is happening, rather than something that will happen: “I am sexy.” “I am healthy.” “I am happy.” “I am strong.” “I’ve got this.” Pretty soon, you’ll start to believe it and working out will have a purpose!
Focusing on something other than working out can be a lifesaver. Maybe it’s music, Netflix, a podcast, or simply people-watching. Find a way to dissociate your body’s actions from your mind and time will go by much faster. Try really hard to give that “something else” your full attention. For example, sing along to your music in your head or think about the details of your surroundings. What do you see, touch, smell, hear, or taste? Ask yourself those questions to start!
Maybe you’re burnt out on the workouts you’ve been doing. Not every day at the gym will feel inspiring, but you might need to change up your routine if you’re feeling unmotivated. In fact, it’s important to change up your workout so that your body doesn’t get too used to doing any one thing. Keep your body guessing and enjoy trying something new!
Bribing yourself with an after-workout reward can be a great way to get yourself to the gym (or accomplish anything you don’t want to do, really!). It could be something you buy, like a new nail polish or a cookie. It could also be something simple and free like allowing yourself to stretch for an extra-long time or putting on a face mask afterwards. The trick is to only allow yourself that treat IF you complete your workout.
How do you motivate yourself to get to the gym? Let us know!
Kelsie Grau lives and works in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara. She loves taking spin classes, lifting weights in the gym, hiking, cooking new recipes, and binge-watching shows with her fiance and puppy. She believes that being authentic, courageous, and confident are some of the keys to staying sassy, healthy, and fit!