Just a Girl With Anxiety
Have you ever felt anxious? That feeling when your heart thumps loudly in your chest. It feels hard to breathe. Your palms get sweaty. Your chest feels tight.
Whether or not you experience full-blown panic attacks, anxiety is something that many In Demand Women feel. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with the symptoms when they creep up and how to be proactive so they don’t rule your life.
As our guest Jennifer Bitner says, “It is important to exercise your mind’s potential. Mind fitness mastery and mental health is optimal wellness.”
From Panic Attacks to Peace
In Jennifer’s book, Just a Girl With Anxiety she shares her personal journey being diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic attacks. Jennifer talks about her fixation on high achievement starting as a little girl.
Mind fitness mastery and mental health is optimal wellness.
As she got older and went through university and then into a corporate sales career, she began to live a more stressful lifestyle and was not taking care of her mental and physical health. While she was successful in her career, she was struggling behind closed doors when panic would strike multiple times throughout the day.
Eventually, Jennifer decided that dependency on pharmaceuticals to curb her anxiety was not worth it. Instead, she became self-educated on holistic treatments. Through work with a holistic dietician, practicing meditation, using aromatic essential oils and eliminating major stressors in her life, Jennifer has been able to eliminate anxiety medication and live a peaceful life.
Your Mess Becomes Your Message
Jennifer is passionate about helping other women combat the pressures of life and create their own mind fitness mastery. She encourages women (and men too!) to focus on what they can control.
You can control your mental health through nutrition, hydration, sleep and self-care.
Her teachings include following good nutrition practices, staying hydrated, getting enough rest and really practicing self-awareness. Using meditation and aroma therapy are other tactics Jennifer teaches her clients to take control of their lives and be their own hero!
Jennifer feels her anxiety has given her passion and purpose to help change the way the world perceives mental wellness, one woman at a time.
More about Jennifer Bitner
Jennifer is a global leading educator on emotional aromatherapy, a success mentor, founder of Mind Fitness and professional speaker. She spent over a decade of her life determined to break free from the chains of a mental health disorder. Now she’s here to share her story, perils and wisdom with the world, teaching people how to have more freedom and less stress.
You can connect with Jennifer through her website (https://www.jenniferbitner.com/) and on all social media platforms @jennifer_bitner. Click here to get your copy of Just a Girl With Anxiety and learn how to become victorious with your own mental wellness!
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