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A high-functioning HOT MESS!
When my life felt like it was falling apart at the seams, I had nowhere to channel my energy and share my thoughts. I kept so much bottled up inside that I felt like a time-bomb ready to explode at any minute.
If my kids got on my nerves—BOOM!
If my husband didn’t help out around the house–BOOM!
If I didn’t get the deal I was going after at work–BOOM!
If I put on my favorite jeans and they were a little harder to zip up–BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
It’s amazing I was able to function at all with all that negative energy swirling around my brain and emanating out my aura.
I was a high-functioning HOT MESS!
Transformation to living in full-alignment
So, how do you get from hot mess to living in full-alignment in your best life? I learned that you have to have the tools in place to get through those moments of fear, frustration, discouragement, anxiety, etc. You have to know how to empower your mindset so you don’t let all the external noise in the world drive you to the looney bin.
One of my favorite tools for self-awareness and self-care is journaling. It’s become a safe-haven for me to express my deepest thoughts, my deepest concerns and my deepest passions. Journaling is a place just for me.
Journaling does NOT have to be a big production!
When I sit down each morning with my pen and notebook, I write down what I’m grateful for, what my thoughts are that are running through my mind, and fresh ideas that I want to explore.
I also use journaling to process difficult situations. Such as, a few months ago when I experienced a breakup with a friend. Or on a night when I have a fight with my child. Journaling is a way to calm and quiet the noise and voices in your mind because it is an outlet to express your thoughts and feelings with no judgement.
How to start your own journal practice…in 5 minutes/day!
I highly encourage you to try incorporating a journal practice into your everyday life. Maybe it’s 5 minutes when you wake up in the morning or 5 minutes before you go to sleep at night. This does not have to be a big production!
Here’s what you need to get started: a pen and paper. It’s that simple! And because I know your next question is, “Well what the heck do I journal on???”, I got you covered!
Use these 50 journal prompts to start your writing adventure. Feel free to adapt them, alter them, jumble them up, make them your own or ditch them all together.
The point is, just start writing. Once this becomes a habit (give yourself 66 days!) you will find journaling to be one of the most powerful tools you possess to master your mindset and nourish yourself mind, body and spirit.
50 Journal Prompts
- What expectations do I have of myself that I have to ditch?
- How can I have more fun today?
- What is something that I can choose to do just for me?
- How do I show my resiliency?
- What is a win that I am celebrating?
- How can I be more intentional today?
- What am I feeling today? What do I need to hold space for those feelings?
- Mother Nature gives us so much–what’s one way I feel connected to nature?
- What motivates me to be my best self?
- What is one quality that I really love about myself?
- How do I transition from one situation to another? What tools do I need to create smoother transitions?
- How can I trust your intuition?
- What walls have I put up that are preventing me from getting closer to others?
- What is my big vision? What is a smaller vision I have?
- How can I focus energy on my personal growth?
- What do I want? How can I achieve that?
- How am I feeling right now in this moment?
- What is one way (or more) that I show up for myself?
- When is a time I have shown courage?
- When does perfectionism show up in my life? How can I overcome that?
- Do I set boundaries with people in my life? Why or why not?
- What am I obsvering about my feelings right now?
- Old stories don’t define me–what is my story right now?
- My body is a temple–what is something I love about my body?
- How do I practice self-care?
- What happens when I feel uncomfortable? How do I keep growing?
- What makes me feel grounded?
- I love to express my creative energy through…
- The one thing I need to be more consistent with is____. The one thing I’m really consistent at is ______.
- How do I move my body to lift my spirits?
- What does showing up in my life look like?
- How do I create massive energy?
- What are my daily rituals that I love?
- Who are the 5 people I spend the most time with? Do they fill me up? Why or why not?
- How do I communicate love?
- What is my communication style like? How can I be more communicative?
- When I need to feel calm, the thing that works best is _______.
- I am most hopeful about _________.
- When I want to play, I like to _______.
- I know I am exactly where I am meant to be. Today I am at this place _______.
- What is my biggest challenge with overthinking? If I wasn’t overthinking, what would my big dream be?
- What is my heart and intuition telling me?
- Do I observe my feelings? How do I do this?
- What am I ready to shed from my past?
- What is my biggest creative gift?
- Breathwork is powerful to slow your reaction and stress levels. How can I use breathwork to create calmer energy?
- How do I channel my energy?
- Who am I?
- What are three affirmations that make me feel amazing?
- When do I need to be more patient in my life?
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