What is my legacy
“What is the legacy I want to leave behind?” – Lauren Kress, The Business Scientist
This is a question many of us ask ourselves on a regular basis.
How can I move through life with passion and purpose to leave the legacy I desire?
What is the impact I hope to make on the world around me?
How can I tell my story so it resonates with others?
The power of story telling
Story telling is a powerful medium to convey a message, a thought, or an ideal. Are you telling your story in a way that is true to you? Are you living in your truth, your authenticity, and empowering yourself to create the legacy you desire?
In a recent interview on Sassy AF TV – LIVE with Lauren Kress, The Business Scientist, we talked about thought leadership, personal branding, and story telling.
As a thought leader herself, Lauren’s mission to is share the stories of others so that we can learn from their experiences and take these ideas to make them our own.
The difference between thought leadership and personal branding
She shares an example of one of her podcast guests, Bill Sherman. As Lauren paraphrases, Mr. Sherman explains that thought leadership is facilitating an idea through the power of your words. Whereas personal branding is about clear objectives.
Lauren extrapolates this further to say that personal branding is perhaps equivalent to thinking about your reputation. What is the reputation you want to have amongst your peers, colleagues, friends, or the larger world around you?
And when we look at personal branding through the lens of reputation, it is easy to see how we all have a personal brand. This is not merely reserved for entrepreneurs or business owners.
How do we create our legacy?
This is when we come back to the original question of legacy. If your personal brand is your reputation, then how are you designing your life to create the legacy you desire to leave?
The greats all tell us to start with the end in mind, and this form thought leadership asks us to do just that! When you can think of your life through the perspective of legacy and reputation, how you show up each day might look a bit different than if you are just going through the motions.
As I talk about frequently, it is critical to understand that you have the power to create your own life, write your own story. Let’s start today and start creating this life we want to live right now. A life that highlights how we will leave our legacy to all those we are connected with.
![Lauren Kress on The Sassy AF Audio Experience](https://hallieavolio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Lauren-Kress-Podcast-cover-1024x1024.png)
In conclusion
When you can tell your story, connect with your audience, and lift the veil to be more real, you create that legacy. Lauren goes on to say that changing our behaviors in our lives isn’t just about sharing facts with others…it’s about being authentic.
“It’s about how you feel by expressing who you are as a person.” And Lauren is sharing some amazing parts of her personal brand, thought leadership, and leaving her legacy right here.
Make sure to watch the full interview on our YouTube channel!
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Want to connect with Lauren Kress? You can find her through her website https://www.laurenkress.com/ and on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenkress89/